Our major program themes are Building Knowledge, Supporting Habitat Conservation, Enhancing Access and Enhancing Awareness.
Building Knowledge
The Ecology of West Coast Transient Killer Whales
Project Leader: Andrew Trites
Mammal eating transient Killer Whales are suspected to consist of distinct sub-populations. The Transient Killer Whale Project by Associate Josh McInnes will determine Killer Whale population structure along the North American west coast to confirm the presence of more than one population, and describe their home range, behaviours, social interactions and diets.

BC Parks iNaturalist Project
Project Leader: John Reynolds & Brian Starzomski
The BC Parks iNaturalist Project is a Simon Fraser University-University of Victoria led citizen science initiative to provide unprecedented insight into the diversity of living things in BC Parks. In collaboration with BC Parks and the BC Parks Foundation, the project uses the iNaturalist web-based platform to photo-document as many species of animals and plants in BC Parks. PWLF is providing support for marine parks. Learn more and follow the project. [ READ MORE ]

Migration of Seaducks Project
Project Leaders: Dan Esler and Sean Boyd
The west coast is the winter home for many sea ducks, including most of the world’s Barrow’s Goldeneye. The Migration of Seaducks Project has uncovered the migratory routes, breeding places, molting and winter sites with important management and conservation implications. [ READ MORE ]

Migratory Shorebird Project
Project Leader: Rob Butler
The Pacific Coast of North America is a major migratory route for millions of Arctic breeding shorebirds that spend the winter in South America, Central America, Mexico and western North America. Their survival is dependent on sandy beaches, bays, wetlands, mangroves and farmlands. This ambitious 10-year, multi-partner project led by Point Blue will help guide shorebird conservation in the Americas. Dr. Rob Butler from Pacific WildLife is a founding partner of this project. [ READ MORE ]
Tracing the Lineage of Gray Whales Project
Project Leader: Jim Darling
Since 2013, the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, geneticists, ecologists and archaeologists have been investigating the ecological and cultural history prior to European contact through the recovery and analysis of a cache of ancient whale bones. The remains span thousands of years of Nuu Chah Nulth whaling culture. Changes in our coastal ecosystem over centuries or millennia may be recorded in these bones.
Vancouver Island Gray Whale Studies and Database
Project Leader: Jim Darling
Studies on the abundance, population definition, behavior, habitat use and prey species have been conducted over the last 40 years. Currently a study of social organization on the feeding grounds, based on long term associations of individuals and genetic analyses, is underway. A database, including all photo identifications, sightings histories, DNA and behavioral observations of individual gray whales resident along the west coast of Vancouver Island, 1970-2019, is being developed. The purpose is for continuing study but also to archive and make accessible this information everyone through the web.
Bigg’s Killer Whale Predator Effects in the Salish Sea
Project Leader: Ron Ydenberg
Top predators affect entire ecosystems, as illustrated by the return of wolves to Yellowstone National Park. The presence of Bigg’s killer whales has powerful effects on the behavior of seals and sea lions that in turn likely influence fish and fish populations in the Pacific Northwest. Associate Rachel Sullivan-Lord aims to measure the strength of these strategic predator-prey interactions.
Social Behaviour of Crows
Project Leader: Rob Butler
Attitudes toward the American crow have undergone a sea change in thanks in part to scientific understanding. The subspecies of American crow residing along the Pacific Coast is the subject of on-going studies of social behaviour, ecology and interactions with people. Currently, studies of the social organization and reproduction of hybrids is underway.
Supporting Habitat Conservation
Northern Salish Sea Atlas Project
Project Leader: Rob Butler
The Northern Salish Sea Atlas project is systematically mapping the year-round distribution of its marine mammals and birds. The results have been used in government conservation policy, environmental assessments, endangered species protection, and academic research.

Important Cetacean Area Project
Project Leaders: Jim Darling and Rob Butler
The Pacific Coast of British Columbia and Alaska is known world-wide for resident and transient killer whales, humpback, and gray whales that provide for a thriving whale watching industry. The Important Cetacean Area project devised and designed by PWLF aims to identify a network of sites frequented large and small cetaceans in the North Pacific to assist in conservation planning.
Recovery of the Humpback Whale Project
Project Leader: Jim Darling
Over four decades of data are being summarized to document the recovery of humpback whales on the coast of British Columbia. A picture is emerging how individuals use the area, how long they are present, their migratory destinations, birth interval and age of sexual maturity. All photo-identifications, in conjunction with other photo collections from throughout the Pacific are assembled regularly in catalogues. Long-term data provided an insight into the rate of recovery of the whales and linked the breeding sites in Mexico, Hawaii and Japan to the summer feeding grounds along Vancouver Island. The recovery of the humpback took over three decades to begin and it will likely require many years before the recovery is complete. This information is important for meaningful management and conservation policies.
Enhancing Access
Marine Field Station
Symposium Chair: Rod MacVicar
In partnership with Simon Fraser University and Reed Point Marina, Pacific WildLife Foundation is establishing a floating Marine Field Station in Port Moody for university teaching and research. The station will remain the headquarters for Pacific WildLife Foundation.
Enhancing Awareness

Nature Culture Project
Project Leaders: Rob Butler
The Nature Culture project led by Dr. Rob Butler aims to embed nature into culture as a means to sustain the resource and the livelihoods through public lectures. We will be seeking opportunities to partner with like-minded organizations to build a culture based on the science of sustainability. [ READ MORE ]
Marine Mammal Symposium Project
Symposium Chair: Andrew Trites
The annual Marine Mammal Symposium draws over 200 researchers, students, whale watching companies and citizens interested in the latest findings about marine mammals. As a founding partner in the symposium begun nearly three decades ago, Pacific WildLife is pleased to continue our sponsorship each autumn at the University of British Columbia.